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HomeNewsletterChild Lead Poisoning Testing – Macon County – More Zip Codes Added

Child Lead Poisoning Testing – Macon County – More Zip Codes Added

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS) — The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has announced an expanded list of high-risk ZIP codes, increasing mandatory testing for lead exposure of children who live within those areas.

There are now 148 new zip codes, representing parts of 60 Illinois counties, that have been added to the list this year, bringing the total of high-risk ZIP codes to almost 1,200.

Under Illinois law, any child residing in a high-risk ZIP code is to be tested automatically at 12 and 24 months*. All children six years of age and younger are required to be assessed for lead exposure through the use of a questionnaire administered by a pediatrician. In addition, children who fall into other risk categories spelled out in the questionnaire are also tested.

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